SPAU-P10R-T-R14M-L-PNLK-PNVBA# (8001209) Pressure sensor

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Per­mis­sion RCM mark,
c UL us - Lis­ted (OL)
CE cer­ti­fi­cate (see de­cla­ra­tion of confor­mi­ty) acc. to EU-​EMV Di­rec­tive,
acc. to EU-​RoHS Di­rec­tive
KC-​mark KC-​EMV
Ma­te­rial in­for­ma­tion RoHs com­pliant
Mea­su­red pa­ra­me­ter Re­la­tive pres­sure
Mea­su­re­ment pro­cess Pie­zo­re­sis­tive pres­sure sen­sor
Pres­sure mea­su­re­ment range star­ting value [bar] 0
Pres­sure mea­su­re­ment range end value [bar] 10
Over­load range [bar] 15
Ope­ra­ting me­dium Com­pres­sed air to ISO 8573-​1:2010 [7:4:4],
Inert gases
In­for­ma­tion about ope­ra­ting and control me­dium Oiled ope­ra­tion pos­sible
Me­dium tem­pe­ra­ture [°C] 0 to 50
am­bient tem­pe­ra­ture [°C] 0 to 50
Re­so­lu­tion analogue-​digital conver­ter [Bit] 12
Ac­cu­ra­cy FS [%FS] 1,5
Re­pea­ta­bi­li­ty in ± %FS [%FS] 0,3
Tem­pe­ra­ture co­ef­fi­cient in ± %FS/K [%FS/K] 0,05
Control out­put 2 x PNP or 2 x NPN swit­chable
Switch func­tion Free­ly pro­gram­mable
Swit­ching ele­ment func­tion Ope­ner/clo­ser swit­chable
Max. out­put cur­rent [mA] 100
Ana­logue out­put 0 - 10 V,
4 - 20 mA,
1 - 5 V
Rise time [ms] 3
Max. load re­sis­tance cur­rent out­put [Ohm] 500
Min. load re­sis­tance vol­tage out­put [kOhm] 10
Short cir­cuit re­sis­tance yes
Re­port IO-​Link
IO-​Link, re­port De­vice V 1.1
IO-​Link, pro­file Smart sen­sor pro­file
IO-​Link, func­tion classes Teach chan­nel,
Bi­na­ry data chan­nel (BDC),
Pro­cess data va­riables (PDV)
IO-​Link, com­mu­ni­ca­tion mode COM2 (38.4 kBaud)
IO-​Link, SIO mode sup­port yes
IO-​Link, port type A
IO-​Link, pro­cess data width OUT 0 Bytes
IO-​Link, pro­cess data width IN 2 Bytes
IO-​Link, pro­cess data contents IN 14 bit PDV (pres­sure mea­su­re­ment),
2 bit BDC (pres­sure mo­ni­to­ring)
IO-​Link, mi­ni­mum cycle time 3 ms
IO-​Link, data me­mo­ry nee­ded [Byte] 500
Ope­ra­ting vol­tage range DC [V] 20 to 30
Re­verse po­la­ri­ty pro­tec­tion for all elec­tri­cal connec­tions
Elec­tri­cal connec­tion 1, connec­tion type Plug
Elec­tri­cal connec­tion 1, connec­tion tech­no­lo­gy M8x1 A coded to EN 61076-​2-104
Elec­tri­cal connec­tion 1, num­ber of pins / wires 4
Fas­te­ning type With thread
ins­tal­la­tion po­si­tion ar­bi­tra­ry
Pneu­ma­tic connec­tion R1/4
Pro­duct weight [g] 80
Dis­play type Illu­mi­na­ting LCD
Pre­sen­table unit(s) in­chHg,
Set­ting op­tions IO-​Link,
über Dis­play und Tas­ten
Tamper-​proof fuse IO-​Link,
PIN code
Set­tings range thre­shold value [%] 0 to 100
Set­tings range hys­te­re­sis [%] 0 to 90
Pro­tec­tion ca­te­go­ry IP65,
Cor­ro­sion re­sis­tant class KBK 2 - mo­de­rate cor­ro­sion stress
Informations sur OT-FESTO059111
Poids 80 g / Pièce
Numéro des marchandises en douane 90262020
Fabricant Festo

Toutes les données sont fournies à titre de valeurs indicatives ! Nous n'assumons aucune responsabilité pour les sélections de données non confirmées par écrit. Les valeurs de pression correspondent, sauf indication contraire, à des fluides du groupe II à +20°C.
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encore 204 min.

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